The Peace Education Program is an innovative series of video-based and interactive workshops that help people discover their own inner resources.

“The Peace Education Program tries only to achieve one simple thing: it is to put you in touch with yourself.” – Prem Rawat: author, international speaker and founder of The Prem Rawat Foundation (TPRF)

Video: Helping People Discover Personal Peace

The Peace Education Program was first offered in Canada in 2012, in a college for indigenous students in Saskatchewan, for seniors in Ontario, in health and wellness facilities in Quebec and in correctional facilities in 3 provinces. It is currently being offered in organizations serving the humanitarian sectors of corrections, social services, addictions, homelessness, poverty, food insecurity and adult education.

The teamwork among the volunteers in the roles of facilitator, technical support, promotions and communication includes people from across Canada and is based on the principles of collaboration by those who share a vision for teamwork, excellence and appreciation for being involved in this excellent program.

The Peace Education Program continues to be offered via Zoom and in person to interested community groups and people discovering the program for the first time.

What’s New in 2023?

We attended a virtual correctional educators conference out of Calgary with 160 delegates attending our 90-minute presentation. This opened doors for us to work with the educators in correctional facilities across Canada supporting their efforts to offer the Peace Education Program to incarcerated people. Over 30 educators applied for licenses to facilitate the program in their workplace or community.

Canadian volunteers offered the Peace Education Program to nine different groups in 2023 including staff who are working in social service organizations in both Canada and internationally.

The Peace Education Program has been running continuously since October, 2022 in a community centre in the Down Town East Side (DTES) of Vancouver, an area known for its high rate of poverty, homelessness and drug trade, as well as its creativity and social activism. Local volunteers are being sought so we can expand the program.

The mother of an incarcerated person in a prison in Manitoba contacted TPRF requesting information on how to offer the Peace Education Program in that facility. A group of volunteers from across Canada formed a team around this woman. After 18 months of effort, the program was accepted and is being facilitated by the prison educators.

Learn about the Program

Participate in the Program

If you and/or people from your community wish to participate in a Peace Education Program, please send a request to:

Introduce the Program

If you are involved with a community group, not for profit organization, NGO or government organization, please contact us if you need help in introducing the program:

Offer the Program

We can help people who have participated in the Peace Education Program prepare to offer the program in their community. When you are ready to proceed and would like help and guidance, please contact us to tell us about your interest:

TPRF Canadian Support Team Representatives

Annelies Bertsch in Western Canada

Marielle Comeau in Eastern Canada